My Personal Philosophy
When it comes to this work, apart from a passion for the topics, I’ve been able to see on a very small scale what my support could do for families – just by being present in their lives. The reality for many parents is that there’s a major gap in services. It can be difficult to find individuals who fill all the areas of support often needed by young families. Areas such as compassionate support, freedom without guilt, trust built in an equal relationship, working to improve parent’s sense of self-efficacy, or suggestions based on an understanding of the family’s values and needs.
Research has shown the incredible importance of the first 3 years of life, and their lifelong impact, yet this gap exists.
My work aims to affect lasting change; to shape healthy and happy parents, infants, and family dynamics. I can be a source of freedom and hope for parents, while helping their children build early, predictable, and trusting relationships with non-kin. A substantial amount of research and practical application goes into every interaction I have with your child and any advice or recommendations I may provide. My role is not to tell you how to parent or which way is “the right way” — because the truth is, there isn’t one way. My role is to work with you to determine how my knowledge and experience can support your family and its unique needs.
My Approach
My approach to this work is always grounded in the latest scientific research and current best-practice guidelines of the field. That being said, families and children rarely fit into neat ‘boxes’ and my goal is to find what works specifically for your child and family in this moment, and in the future. With curiosity, we’ll explore using holistic, strengths-based, and attachment-focused models.
It’s important to understand that the foundation of all of this work lies within the parent-child relationship and the family environment, as your child’s regulation depends on others’ ability to respond appropriately and co-regulate with them. Recent research on childhood anxiety and ADHD both have shown significant results on how parent-focused treatment models are among the most effective! Even when it comes to non-diagnostic mental health concerns, a 2020 study showed that of the 5 factors affecting ‘temper tantrums’ 29.8% was accounted for by family environment and 22% was accounted for by parenting style. [Sources listed at the end]
Building both you and your child’s toolboxes allows for more opportunities to regulate through connection, with a shared language and understanding.
My approach is heavily based on the research and work of the following individuals:
- Dr. Daniel Siegel (Mindsight Institute / Interpersonal neurobiology)
- Dr. Tina Payne Bryson (with Dr. Siegel: Whole Brain Child, No Drama Discipline, The Yes Brain, & the Power of Showing Up)
- Dr. Becky Bailey (Conscious Discipline)
- Dr. Gordon Neufeld (Neufeld Institute / Attachment science)
- Dr. Stuart Shanker (Mehrit Centre / Self-Regulation)
My Promises to You
- To hold a nonjudgemental stance toward your parenting needs and decisions
- To always work from a place of collaboration, focusing on your unique family
- To always act in your child’s best interest
- To be both honest and respectful
- To be open to receiving feedback
- To commit to continued education and training in order to provide the best support possible
I will always work from a perspective that is evidence-based, attachment-focused, & trauma-informed.
My support will never include judgement, one-size-fits-all, “quick fixes” or guarantees.
To view the professional competencies outlined for Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health Specialists, please visit Infant & Early Mental Health Promotion (Sick Kids Hospital).
Lebowitz ER, Marin C, Martino A, Shimshoni Y, Silverman WK. Parent-Based Treatment as Efficacious as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Childhood Anxiety: A Randomized Noninferiority Study of Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2020 Mar;59(3):362-372.
Hoofdakkerr, B.J. van den, et al. (2007). Effectiveness of Behavioural Parent Training for Children with ADHD in Routine Clinical Practice: A Randomized Controlled Study. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 46(10), 1263-1271.
Umami, D.A. and Sari, L.Y. 2020. Confirmation of Five Factors That Affect Temper Tantrums In Preschool Children: A Literature Review. Journal of Global Research in Public Health. 5, 2 (Dec. 2020), 151-157. DOI: