How I started
My love of babies and kids has always been a big part of me, so much so that one of my first ‘dream careers’ as a kid was to be a midwife! While this dream evolved, I began working as a nanny in high school and instantly fell in love. It was this same time that I got to explore one of my other interests for the first time, which was psychology.
These passions grew together as I pursued an undergraduate degree in the Psychology, Neuroscience, & Behaviour department at McMaster, while continuing to take on childcare clients and completed Kindermusik(TM) training in 2014. In this role, I taught caregiver-child music classes for ages 6 months to 3 years, including classes facilitated by the Down Syndrome Association of Hamilton.

Fun Facts
Want to learn a little more about me? Here are some fun facts!
I’ve had the privilege of growing up as a Third Culture Kid; that means I spent a significant part of my developmental years being raised in cultures different from that of my parents or the country listed on my passport (USA, Germany, Portugal, Canada to be specific)!
I’ve lived in Hamilton for 7 years and love supporting local businesses
I’m a big fan of true crime and stand up comedy
I LOVE to learn! Just like my Dad and my Grandfather whose continuous curiosity has always been an inspiration
I became a Canadian (Dual) Citizen in 2019!
I love art and creativity, most recently I’ve taken up Glasswork!
I have 2 very large, all black cats named Ikea (like the store) and Hamilton (like the city)
My partner and I both have a passion for working with children! He works as a JK through Grade 6 teacher.
B.A.Sc. in Honours Human Behaviour, McMaster University (2014-2019)
*only relevant courses listed*
PSYCH 2AA3 – Child Development
PSYCH 2AP3 – Abnormal Psychology
PSYCH 2B03 – Personality
PSYCH 2GG3 – Learning, Measuring & Shaping Behaviour
PSYCH 2H03 – Human Learning and Cognition
PSYCH 2NF3 – Basic and Clinical Neuroscience
PSYCH 3B03 – Special Populations
PSYCH 3BA3 – Positive Psychology
PSYCH 3C03 – Child Language Acquisition
PSYCH 3JJ3 – Socio-emotional Development
ARTHIST 2AA3 – Intro to Practice of Art Therapy
LINGUIST 2SL3 – Intro: American Sign Language
MUSIC 2MT3 – Intro Music Therapy Practice
HUMBEHV 4HB3 – Seminar: Cultural Psychology
HUMBEHV 4HC3 – Seminar: Development During Infancy
Ontario Graduate Certificate in Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health, Seneca College (2019-2020)
IMH 101 – Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
IMH 103 – Dynamics of the Family
IMH 105 – Integrating Attachment & Brain Development
IMH 108 – Fundamentals of Communications & Counselling
IMH 201 – Understanding & Responding to Challenging Behaviour
IMH 203 – Health Promotion & Education
IMH 204 – Advanced Practice in Infant and Early Child Mental Health
IMH 205 – Screening and Assessment: Infants, Young Children & Families
IMH 206 – Promoting Resilience in Infants and Young Children
Field Placement through EarlyON Centres and Young Parent Programs.
Additional training included: Foundations in Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health – Certificate Lecture Series by IMHP, Sick Kids
Final GPA 4.0, graduating with High Honours
Perinatal Mental Health Professional Certification (PMH-C Candidate)
The Perinatal Mental Health Certification Program creates a structure for professional education and evaluation, and a standardization of training and experience to inform families and payers of perinatal mental health specialists. The certification curriculum requirements build on existing evidence-based perinatal mental health certificate trainings, adding an advanced-training component.
- Maternal [Perinatal] Mental Health Training Webinar Series [June 2020], Postpartum Support International & 2020 Mom
- Perinatal Mental Health Advanced Psychotherapy Training [October 2020], Postpartum Support International
Certification as a Perinatal Mental Health Professional (PMH-C) requires the above training as well as passing the certification exam which I have yet to complete. Please find my listing in the Postpartum Support International Directory
Babyled Sleep & Wellbeing Specialist Certification (via Isla Grace) December 2019-Ongoing
Learning Outcomes
This course aims to provide everything to start supporting families to get sleep without using any sleep training. It takes a holistic approach to solving sleep challenges and getting families the support they need.
- Over 40 lectures and 55.5 hours of content
- Information presented through a variety of practitioners who support both babies and children, including experts like Dr. James McKenna and Dr. Deborah Macnamara
- A whole month of case studies by several holistic sleep practitioners
- Practical learning experience with live project work and examples
What is a Sleep & Wellbeing Specialist?
Introductory Theraplay® & MIM Certificate Training (via Theraplay Canada)
Theraplay® is a short-term, structured therapy which focuses on enhancing attachments. It promotes self-esteem, language skills, behavioural skills, social skills as well as enhances relationships between significant others.
Learning objectives of this course include:
- Understanding of the history and theory of Theraplay;
- Increased knowledge on the interactional basis of parent-infant attachment and self- esteem;
- Skill development in the differentiation and use of the four Theraplay® dimensions;
- Knowledge of how Theraplay® is used to meet the needs of children with regulation, trauma, special needs or developmental issues.
- Knowledge of how parents are guided to empathically observe and participate in Theraplay® sessions aimed at fostering better parent-child attachment.
- Knowledge of how to administer the MIM including methods of recording non-verbal and verbal behaviors, making inferences and formulating hypotheses;
- Knowledge of how a feedback, and parent practice sessions are conducted
- Knowledge of how the MIM is used as a guideline for planning treatment.
Disclaimer: Allie is not a fully certified Theraplay® Therapist. Allie has completed Introductory Theraplay® & MIM training through Theraplay Canada and is able to provide direct services as a mental health practitioner based on the principles of Theraplay®. Allie is under ongoing supervision by Therplay Canada.
- Self-Reg Parenting Course by The MEHRIT Centre [April 2021]
- Institute of Child Psychology Online Children’s Mental Health Conference [April 2021]
– Rest, Play, Grow: Helping Young Children Flourish (3.25hr)
– Theraplay for Parents & Caregivers: How to Connect Through Play (6.5hr)
– Being at Your Best When Your Kids Are at Their Worst (3.25hr) - Institute of Child Psychology Online Children’s Mental Health Conference [November 2020]
– Building Emotional Regulation Skills in Children (3.25hr)
– Childhood ADHD: From Struggling to Thriving (3.25hr)
– Understanding the Highly Sensitive Child (3.25hr)
– Childhood Anxiety: Helping Children Heal (6.5hr) - Empowered Embodiment Training by GoodBodyFeel [May 2020 – February 2021]
- Emotion Coaching: The Heart of Parenting Course by The Gottman Institute [July 2020]
- Safe Sleep in Car Seats Course by Safe in the Seat [June 2020]
- Kindermusik Educator [2014, no longer active]