How I started

My love of babies and kids has always been a big part of me, so much so that one of my first ‘dream careers’ as a kid was to be a midwife! While this dream evolved, I began working as a nanny in high school and instantly fell in love. It was this same time that I got to explore one of my other interests for the first time, which was psychology. 

These passions grew together as I pursued an undergraduate degree in the Psychology, Neuroscience, & Behaviour department at McMaster, while continuing to take on childcare clients and completed Kindermusik(TM) training in 2014. In this role, I taught caregiver-child music classes for ages 6 months to 3 years, including classes facilitated by the Down Syndrome Association of Hamilton.

Fun Facts

Want to learn a little more about me? Here are some fun facts! 

I’ve had the privilege of growing up as a Third Culture Kid; that means I spent a significant part of my developmental years being raised in cultures different from that of my parents or the country listed on my passport (USA, Germany, Portugal, Canada to be specific)!

I’ve lived in Hamilton for 7 years and love supporting local businesses

I’m a big fan of true crime and stand up comedy

I LOVE to learn! Just like my Dad and my Grandfather whose continuous curiosity has always been an inspiration

I became a Canadian (Dual) Citizen in 2019!

I love art and creativity, most recently I’ve taken up Glasswork!

I have 2 very large, all black cats named Ikea (like the store) and Hamilton (like the city)

My partner and I both have a passion for working with children! He works as a JK through Grade 6 teacher.
